
Showing posts from June, 2020

Specification by example

Specification by example Behavior driven development aka BDD is an efficient way to test the functionality of the product without worrying much on the user interface. Automation is done for the specific feature and its Behavior rather than the complete UI/functional flow. Automating everything up front helps in saving time for other types of testing like exploratory testing and non-functional testing. BDD helps you eliminating more documents related to testing, even test cases. Specification by example is also called as living documentation because the examples and automation code are glued together. Updating the examples with behavioural changes needs changes in automation code as well. So, at any point of time, the key examples and the automation code will always be in sync and hence living documentation. Advanced Certified Scrum Master There are variety of testing types available and there is more non-functional testing to be done. As much as quality should be ingrained on to the pr...

Brain Stimulation Therapies- To overcome OCD

Brain Stimulation Therapies Brain stimulation therapies can play a role in treating certain mental disorders. Brain stimulation therapies involve activating or inhibiting the brain directly with electricity. The electricity can be given directly by electrodes implanted in the brain, or noninvasively through electrodes placed on the scalp. The voltage inducing is also by using magnetic fields applied to the head. While these types of therapies are less used than medication and psychotherapies, they hold promise for treating certain mental disorders that do not respond to other treatments. [NIMH Advanced Certified Scrum Master  I am personally against this kind of practice, which involves electric/shock treatments irrespective of the results that they yield. Some other Self-Help practices followed The above ways of treating OCD is what is available these days. Be it medication, CBT, ERP, ACT, or Brain stimulation. But is there any other way to use some necessary steps at home to take...

Get Real Experience-Scrum Trainer

 Get Real Experience I strongly believe that to be an effective trainer, I should believe in what I am teaching. It is not about beautiful graphs and charts and slides – not that they are bad – but it is about sharing experience – experiences that help people relate to their reality. Otherwise, it is just one of the other things that gets said, written and forgotten.  My vision is to generate value for the participant, and I can do that when they can relate to what I say . Advanced Certified Scrum Master So how did I get experience? Simple and straight forward way is to get real hands on experience. Experience does not mean you have to have a title of ScrumMaster, Product Owner or a Developer. These are not titles – these are roles. You have to tap into your skills and focus on what is an effective role for your skillset. I started my career as a developer in a Service based industry, moved to Product based companies in IT and later IT/Mechanical Engineering domain continued a...

How do you measure team performance?

How do you measure team performance in Scrum? There is not a magic variable where you can just get a value for it and measure a team’s effort or performance. A team’s performance is directly proportional to Organization’s outcome.  Advanced Certified Scrum Master  Change is inevitable and scope changes can crawl in at any point of time. It may happen because of lot many reasons like change in market dynamics, change in the need of customers, wrong understanding of specs, Speculations from Product owner and so on. Understand the need before accepting or rejecting the scope change. How you can measure it is based on how they achieve their team goal. Their participation in events, their results based on Sprint commitment, their accountability for the actions and so on. Advanced Certified Scrum Master  Leanpitch Technologies PVT LTD 309- 4th B Cross Rd, HRBR Layout 3rd Block, Kammanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560043.

For a new project, for 1st sprint, how to decide how many stories to commit for sprint?

For a new project, for 1st sprint, how to decide how many stories to commit for sprint? We can take 2 probabilities here, one is considering the team is new and considering the team already worked together. Since the team is new they don’t know their velocity and so they agree as a team to pick up certain stories and work towards completing them. Advanced Certified Scrum Master If they complete them sooner, they will pick up new stories and continue working till the end of the spring. If they are unable to complete, they have learned how much can be done in the upcoming sprint and they decide accordingly. Scrum Master is not responsible for the estimates, only the development team is. Scrum Master does not get the estimates from the team, they do it for themselves to complete the work. If they are wrong or have provided a different estimate, they will make sure it will be taken care as part of their retrospectives and do it right on the upcoming refinement events. If the team has alrea...

Scrum manifesto says

Scrum manifesto says Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools Working Software over Comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over Contract Negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Though, we respect the things on the right, we value the things on the left more. Advanced Certified Scrum Master  There are 12 Agile Principle, which talks about : Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. The most efficient and effective method...

What can I achieve through learning NLP?

What can I achieve through learning NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming  helps you unleash your inner potential by helping you to tap into your inner resources. One’s beliefs, habits, inner voices etc. act as obstacles which stop people from moving on to achieve what they want. Advanced Certified Scrum Master All the blockers are associated with your mind. Through NLP, one can focus on what they want, how they want to achieve it and what can they do about it. NLP also helps you to understand the law of attraction. NLP methodologies can help people help themselves and by helping themselves, they can help others too. NLP techniques can help you create a powerful self. It helps you to transform yourself through a wide variety of tools that it provides. Some of the below things can be achieved through NLP. Overcome anxiety Delete a timeline from your life Change your persistent habits Create new goals and achieve them How to use communication effectively How to visualize your future Adva...

Is Change Easy? | Is Change difficult?

Is Change Easy? | Is Change difficult? All Change efforts have something in common – We need to act differently. Can you get people to start in a new way? The next thought comes to mind is “People resist change” but not always. It depends on the sheer magnitude of the change.  Would anyone agree to work for a boss who’d wake you up twice a night, screaming for trivial issues. People don’t resist the massive change, they volunteer for it. Some Changes are hard and some are easy. We welcome lot more big changes in our life like Marriage, New Home, New technologies, and new job but some changes are difficult like Smokers keep smoking etc… Advanced Certified Scrum Master The first surprise to me about change is “If you want to change someone’s behaviour, you’ve got to change the person’s situation”. Is it true? You can send an alcoholic to rehab, where the new environment will help him go dry but what happens when he leaves and loses that influence. You might see a boost in productivit...

Intuition in Coaching

Intuition in Coaching In Coaching, during a conversation with your coaching client, your intuition guides you towards helping your client move towards the action they need. Trust your intuition when it gives you the necessary awareness. From identifying the missing information in the conversation until what coaching techniques to use in the current context, intuition could help you with all that you need. You might surprise yourself what you say at times because you did not plan to deliver that piece of the statement but it happened anyways. It’s your very intuition. Advanced Certified Scrum Master What does the word intuition mean? I have this gut feeling, I got saved by my guardian angel, my eye twitches when there is something wrong, I feel the chill on my spine, I smell something wrong, I have a hunch, etc.  All these are nothing but your Intuitions. That is the meaning of Intuition In conversations, people say something, but their body language says something else. It easy to...

If it doesn't work, change it

If it doesn't work, change it Additional to all of these, due to our work, we were unable to spend time with the dog. A dog needs so much attention and petting. I started feeling that the purpose of having a dog is not helping the dog or me.  Advanced Certified Scrum Master  So, I decided to give it up, and one of my friends happily took it home. Than me, it was my wife who started missing the dog so much. It went like that for a while, and then a stray approached us. It will sleep near our gate, and we started feeding her.  She liked us a lot and started moving into our porch. Seeing her getting fed, we had three more joinings for the food. The strays get their food and love from us without having to spend much time with them. They wander around when we aren't home and come back once we are at home.  Now, the dogs are doing security duty plus receiving the care they need. We also enjoy the company of dogs around us. Purpose served and problem solved.  Advanced ...

Explicit expectations

  Explicit expectations:  Leaders themselves express certain outcomes based on their role and job description. It could be something like strategy, execution, fiscal responsibility, and so on. Advanced Certified Scrum Master    Leaders are assessed based on both implicit and explicit expectations. Even though the expectations at times are unrealistic, the leaders are expected to fulfill these expectations by the stakeholders and the followers. The majority of the time, these expectations are unrealistic. Because of their unrealistic nature, the leaders feel that they are set up to fail to lead to the failed efforts of fulfilling their promises. Leaders do succeed with the clarity and the expectations of their role. Organizations do succeed depending on their leaders fulfilling their promises on leadership.   There was a survey conducted on identifying leaders who meet or exceed the expectations. People are asked to identify extraordinary leaders with whom they h...